Tu-Na Quilts: The Best of 2018

It’s that time of year to reflect on projects done and posts written.

Best of 2018

I’m joining Cheryl at Meadow Mist Designs for the Best of 2018 Linky Party. Thanks Cheryl for putting this together.

My Five “Best of 2018” Posts

  1. Tu-Na Quilts: A Postage Stamp Turkey

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This pattern, designed for the Fall into a QAL, contained mostly squares and HSTs.

This was the second pattern I designed and made available for sale on Craftsy. As most of you already know, many of us pattern designers received a letter from Craftsy explaining that they were improving their pattern store. However, many patterns were eliminated and I am sad to say that Crafsy let me go, too, so my patterns are no longer offered on their site. I hope those of you who purchased them already had them downloaded and saved on your computer. I will be looking at other ways to make that pattern available in the future.

The Fall into a QAL was designed and hosted by members of Partners in Design. You can find a link to all 12 of my QAL posts here which  includes Tu-Na Quilts: Block Four — Sunflower with Tu-Na’s Tried and True Easy Steps to Making Accurately Pieced Blocks, Tu-Na Quilts: Block Five — Acorn with Lesson 1: Let’s Take the Wheel for a Spin of Tu-Na’s Tried and True Easy Guide to Fabric and Color Selection for Quilt Blocks, and Tu-Na Quilts: Block Six — Pie with Lesson 2: Variety is the Spice of Life of Tu-Na’s Tried and True Easy Guide to Fabric and Color Selection for Quilt Blocks.

I had a great time working with my fellow members located around the world. We’re gearing up for another big announcement for another QAL which we will announce soon. Once Christmas is over and the New Year begun, I’ve got my work cut-out for me as I’ll be designing another block for this new QAL.

   2. Tu-Na Travels: Day Seven, 398 Miles, 4 Quilt Shops, 0 Remaining!


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Meeting new friends, Deb and Sue, on our shop hop journey. Deb was looking for some mosquito fabric. Shortly after I arrived back home, I happened to find those pesky mosquitos in my stash and mailed her some.

For the past 5 summers, Tu-Na Helper and I have spent quality time together in our little car traversing the Hi-ways and back roads of Minnesota stopping at all the participating shops on the annual Quilt Minnesota Shop Hop. We’ve seen fabulous scenery of Minnesota, explored great quilt shops, met old and new friends, and bought a lot of fabric and patterns.

I interviewed some of the shops and wrote about our travels. You’ll find the links to my daily posts for this past summer on the bottom of this post. The previous two summers are found on my header under shop hops.

3. Tu-Na Quilts: Granted-This Would Make Tu-Na Somewhat Gothic

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This was the second time that I participated in the Art with Fabric Blog Hop. Creating this piece was fun. I wasn’t able to participate this fall since I was busily finishing several quilt projects and planning a long trip to Germany and Italy. There’s always hope for next year.

   4. Tu-Na Quilts: What Do 2 Quilters Do with 4.5 Yards of Fabric in 3 Hours?

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I’ve visited Melva from Melva Loves Scraps a couple of times when Tu-Na Helper and I make our annual migratory trips as she lives close to our route. In May, we stopped and sewed together while Tu-Na Helper explored the surroundings and took a nap. It was fun and productive and nine little girls benefited from our work. Thanks, Melva; I still smile every time I think of that sewing day.

   5. Tu-Na Travels: To the Neighbors

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This post has absolutely nothing to do with quilting but everything to do with inspiration. If you haven’t seen the desert in bloom, you’ve been missing out on some very beautiful flowers.

Thank you dear readers for reading my posts, following me, and leaving lots of comments. This past year has been extremely busy for me and I haven’t been able to reply back to everyone. But I sure appreciate the time you’ve taken to answer my question or leave a comment. I’ve enjoyed getting to know many of you. Let’s stay in touch.

What I Learned Today:

  1. I am tired. I’ve been busy keeping warm (we flew back to ND for Christmas), feeding a large family for almost a week (we number 17 plus mother-in-law makes 18-but the adult kids have helped), and trying to elicit and maintain the Christmas spirit (Tu-Na Helper was rather grumpy this morning so I think he’s lost his).
  2. Time marches on whether I’m prepared or not. Christmas catches me by surprise every year. Or maybe it’s that I leave too many things to do for the last minute than is humanly possible.
  3. I’ve been extremely busy this year. Some of my projects and posts made it to  the finish line; others are still waiting.
  4. I am glad a new year is coming soon. It’s time to clear the slate, reset the energy, and try again.

Question: How did  you celebrate Christmas? Tu-Na Helper and I tried something new with our grandchildren this year. We took each grandchild (ages 3-9) on a shopping spree (Choose Your Own Christmas Present Adventure) for a book, something to wear, and things to play with. We came home with many stories to share of just how well-behaved our grandchildren are as well as what good shoppers they’ve become. They had a toy dollar limit (ok a very loose dollar limit) but all had to make choices as to which toys they really wanted and which they were willing to put back on the shelf, because “Life is full of choices so choose wisely.” No one fussed when we told them we were going to wrap up their items and put them under our Christmas tree for them to open on Christmas day. I think their parents were a tad bit worried about that adventure until all was revealed on Christmas Day.

Thanks for stopping by and do come again.

Karen, Tu-Na Quilts

15 thoughts on “Tu-Na Quilts: The Best of 2018

  1. Leslie Schmidt

    Hi, Karen. Good to hear from you again. That sounds like a great idea to do with your grandchildren. I’m sure they have a deeper appreciation for the value of money and the presents they got from you.
    We only have our 2 adult children and no family around. Our celebration always depends on their work schedules. Our daughter is a nurse and our son works for Best Buy. For a few weeks, he was working 12 hour days, 7 days a week. Luckily, they were both able to come on Christmas Day. We have a quiet holiday. After we eat in the late afternoon, we have dessert and celebrate our son’s birthday. It’s December 26th, so we have to have our “party” on Christmas.
    I have the same feeling as you do about Christmas creeping up on me. I don’t know why I’m always so surprised when it gets here. I didn’t make anything as gifts this year, but I did make my kids an ornament as usual. Lately, I’ve been using wool felt. I shocked myself by getting them done in plenty of time!

    Have a Happy New Year.
    Best wishes,


  2. piecefulwendy

    Sure is good to hear from you and what you’ve been up to! I wondered if your fall and travel had kept you busy busy. We have had a quiet Christmas season, which has been nice. No sewing, but my sewing room is getting an update, so that’s exciting (and messy, very, very messy).


  3. Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting

    Karen, it’s good to reminisce with you about the year. And I totally agree with you on what you learned, numbers 1 thru 4! You have a talent for stating clearly what we are all feeling. We gathered with 3 different groups of family over this past week for Christmas. Wonderful.


  4. dezertsuz

    What a wonderful thing you did with the grands – and how much fun to make those memories. We had a quiet day at home, and I surprised my son as much as he surprised me with our gift exchange. Lots and lots of chocolate, too! =)


  5. Rochelle Summers

    So good to read another post. It is hard work keeping a blog going, I think. You have had a busy year with your travels. It sounds like Tuna Helper enjoys the shop hop as much as you. And taking the grandkids shopping was a great idea. So much easier than guessing if you are getting the right thing. Putting limits on the amount they could spend/have is a great lesson. But I’m sure it took a lot of energy. Kudos to you. I hope you get some much needed rest on your return to Arizona.


  6. karenfae

    with posting every day there is too much for me to go through to do this link up but I have enjoyed looking at others – you got a bit done and enjoy your trip around the state of Minnesota in your shopping travel


  7. rl2b2017

    Hi Karen and Tu-Na’s Helper! {{{{Hugs}}}} I’ve missed you! What a wonderful tradition (possibly?) with your grandchildren. One of our nephews was born on Dec 21st. We always took him out for lunch (usually Pizza Hut – his choice) and then shopping for his birthday present AFTER Christmas. That way Santa did get his nose out of joint with duplicate presents, and usually there was always something that was missed that was NEEDED. I love the addition of the book! I think we’ll start that with Dominic next year as his sister is due any day now. Happy New Year to both of you. ~smile~ Roseanne


  8. April Adams

    You have had a great year! I really enjoyed working with you through Partners in Design. I look forward to our new QAL. I am sorry about your Craftsy Shop. A lot of people that I know lost their shops. I had planned on opening a Craftsy Shop in 2018, but I did not get it started. Now I am looking at alternatives. Hope you have a great 2019!


  9. Shasta Matova

    That way of getting gifts for the grandchildren is great. It makes sure the kids get what they want, and they get the bonus of spending special time with you. I bet the memories will be remembered more than the gifts.



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