Tu-Na Quilts: On the Fourth Day of Christmas, My True Love Gave to Me…

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Yes, he gave me a red rose which he picked from the flower bed.

Welcome to the fourth day of the 12 Days of Christmas in July Blog Hop.



Confessions Of A Fabric Addict

You will find links to all the participating blogs at the very end of my post after the question. Thank you, Sarah, for coordinating this event. You might like to visit her blog, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, each day for her Christmas Quilt Along as well as enter daily to win prizes. Yes, there’s a giveaway going on with 12 daily and one grand prize. To enter, you must comment on each participating blog on their 12 Days of Christmas in July post AND also on Sarah’s blog. You have through July 26th to get all your reading and commenting finished. The list of participating blogs is at the end of my post.

Every year, Christmas sneaks up on me so I thought I’d get an early start this year. I have several ideas to share with you today. First, I’ll show you how I sewed this stocking which can be a fun gift for someone on your list or for a favor at your quilting guild.

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The stocking is now filled with some fun but useful surprises which every sewist would like to have. Check back on Wednesday the 19th, Friday the 21st, Sunday the 23rd, and Tuesday the 25th as I reveal a new stocking stuffer and show you how to make them, too. To make sure you don’t miss out on any of that fun or any of the other things happening in my little quilting corner of the world, just follow my blog (check my sidebar to find buttons to follow by email, WordPress, or Bloglovin).

Next, I will also share with you this fun Christmas wreath project that I enlisted the help of some of my grandchildren while we were at the lake over the 4th of July. 

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Finally, I’m also including some helpful hints when working with children.

Part One: Let’s Make an Easy Mini Quilted Christmas Stocking

What you will need:

  • one fat quarter of fabric (after cutting out your stocking using the pattern, cut out a 4″ square for the heel, a 2.5″ x 4″ strip for the toe, and a 6″ x 10″ strip for the cuff) These can all be the same fabrics or other fabrics if you want the scrappy look.
  • fabric strips in a variety of widths 1″- 2″ wide and at least 7 inches long that have straight edges. You will need one 3″ x 5.5″ strip that goes from the heel piece to the right edge. You will need one 2.5″ x 6″ strip for the loop.
  • one 10″ x 12″ piece of batting
  • fabric basting spray or fabric glue or pins
  • trim for the cuff, optional (pom poms, ric rac, etc.)
  • free stocking pattern that I drew and can be downloaded as a pdf and printed from here stocking pattern


Cut out the paper pattern pieces matching the As and the Bs. For pattern accuracy, cut along the inside of the black line. Tape the top of the stocking onto the bottom piece.

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Take note of where the black dots are for heel placement.


Placing the right side of the pattern onto the wrong side of the fabric, cut out the stocking. This will be the backing for the top and also becomes the inside of the stocking. Cut out another one for the back of the stocking. You need both to be facing that same direction and cut from the wrong side of the fabric.

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You will need to do this two times each this same way.


Placing the right side of the pattern onto the batting fabric, cut out the stocking shape.

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Spray baste the batting onto the wrong side of the backing. You could use fabric glue in a couple of places around each edge if you’d rather. Another alternative is to pin baste the pieces together, taking care to remove the pins BEFORE you sew the strips over them.

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Place the 4″ heel square of fabric right side up on the batting matching the dots. Either spray, glue, or pin in place.

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With right sides together, position a 3″ strip of fabric on the right side of the heel fabric at an angle. This will cover the stocking area from the heel to the right side of the stocking.

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Sew 1/4″. Trim if needed, Flip and press lightly but don’t press the batting directly as I found mine would shrink a lot. 

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I’ve sized the pieces large so you will have some trimming to do.


Start adding strips beneath the heel piece. Sew 1/4″. Trim if needed. Flip and press.

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When laying the first strip down, put it at the angle you want it to be making sure you catch all the fabric below it in the seam allowance.


Keep doing this until you get about 1.5-2″ from the edge of toe.

Add the toe piece.

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Continue adding rows above the heel all the way to the top. Adjust the angles of the strips if needed. The top strip doesn’t have to align with the fabric on its underside. Just make sure you are catching the lower fabric in the seam allowance. Trim seam, press, flip, and continue all the way to the top.

Turn over stocking and use the backing as a guide to trim the front pieces.

With right sides together, pin back onto quilted front.

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Sew 1/2″ all along the sides and bottom but NOT the top edge. Zig zag raw edges or use a serger to join the pieces. Clip the two inner curves.

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Clip the two inner curves as noted on the pattern. Clip close to the seam but not too close.


Turn right side out rounding out the heel and toes parts with your hand or blunt object.

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There it is all turned right side out. Look how it puffs up just waiting to be filled with goodies!


The Hanging Loop:

Fold the 2.5″ x 6″ piece in half lengthwise and press. Unfold and take each side and fold it to meet the middle crease. Press the outside edges. 

Now bring both halves together and press. After pressing, sew close to the edge.

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Fold loop in half and stitch across raw ends to secure them in place. This is tricky and they want to stray, just take it slow and it will go.

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I find adding this little row of stitching just above those raw edges on the ends really helps keep the loop aligned as I do the next step.


Pin or glue baste the loop in place at the top inside of the stocking next to the left side seam on the back making the raw edges meet. The loop should be pointing down inside the stocking. Secure with a line or two of stitching about 1/4″ from the edge.


Fold the cuff in half with the short edges together and stitch a 1/2″ seam.

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 Press seam to side and fold in half with wrong sides together to form a circle. Press so cuff seam is in the middle of the back.

Pin cuff inside the stocking matching the top edge. The pressed cuff seams will match with the stocking seams.

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Sew a 1/2″ seam and zig zag or serge. Turn cuff right side out.

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Add some trim if you like. Pom poms would be nice. I sewed ric rac along the bottom edge. I’ve always liked ric rac. Do you?


Isn’t it cute!

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This stocking is 7.5″ wide and 9″ long with a 4.5″ opening.


This stocking is stuffed! Come back on Wednesday, as I begin to reveal the first of many surprises it holds.

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Part Two: So the Kids Want to Make Something, too!

Child’s Project: Ring Wreath

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Here’s the one I made. Well, I am young at heart. Does that count?


What you will need:

  • Metal canning jar rings (I used the regular size)

    Since my jar rings were rather rusty, my husband spray painted them ahead of time for me. He was being a very helpful Tu-Na helper.

  • Fabric cut into 3/4″ x 6″ strips (I used 30 for my ring but the kids used less.)
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    Although I brought my rotary cutter and a small mat along to the lake, I forgot the ruler. It was then impossible for me to cut them into straight strips, so I just eyeballed them and cut them with a scissors.

    One fabric string cut 1/4″ x 16″ for the hanging loop or you could use twine, string, yarn, or jute.


Show your little ones how to tie a fabric strip around the ring and pull it tight. Keep adding strips, pushing them tightly against the previously tied one.

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Here’s my 8 year old grandson working on his.

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After about 1/4 done around the ring, he was ready for a break.


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My two year old grandson picked out the reindeer strips and handed them to me to tie.


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The little ones also just wrapped the strips around the rings. But that’s ok, they had fun and later their mommies finished the rings for themselves.


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Sometimes they were worn as arm bands.


When the ring is filled, push aside a couple of ties so you can tie the 1/4″ x 16″ strip (or string) around the ring for the hanging loop.

Then add a second knot further up creating the loop.

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“Ah, mommy, yours is so nice.”


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“But I think I like it better as an arm band. Hey, mom, look at my new fit bit.”


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Part Three: How You and Your Children Can Enjoy Making Crafts Together:

  • Make sure your project is appropriate for the age of your child. If it’s too difficult they may become frustrated. If it’s too easy they may lose interest.
  • Break up the process into small sessions. Young children lose attention quickly. Let them come back to work on the project later.
  • Don’t expect perfection.
  • Show how but don’t take over. It may look very different from what you imagined.
  • If the project is a bit too hard, think of things your child can do to help you.
  • Be encouraging and offer praise.
  • Most of all, have fun together.tunaquilts 13a

What I Learned Today:

  1. It doesn’t matter if Christmas comes in December or July, it still catches me by surprise.
  2. Having a summer cold is miserable. I am on week three. Maybe it’s time to visit the doctor.

Question: What gifts do you want to sew this year? I’ve got to sew an apron for sure. My mother-in-law has been asking for one for a couple of years.

Confessions Of A Fabric Addict

Here are the blogs participating in the 12 Days of Christmas in July blog hop!

 Friday, July 14th, 2017 

The 12 Days of Christmas in July Has Arrived—Day One

Confessions of a Fabric Addict

 From My Carolina Home

Vrooman’s Quilts

Pampered Pettit

Saturday, July 15th

We Need a Little Christmas—Day Two

Confessions of a Fabric Addict


Vicki’s Crafts and Quilting

Quilting Fun

 Sunday, July 16th

Go Tell It on the Mountain—Day Three

Confessions of a Fabric Addict

Swimming in a Sea of Estrogen

Everyone Deserves a Quilt

Cheryl’s Teapots2Quilting

Monday, July 17th

Deck the Halls–It’s Day Four of the 12 Days of Christmas in July Blog Hop

Confessions of a Fabric Addict Sarah gives us another sewing assignment just like the others. She’s found some great looking origami ornaments to show us and we can make them too.

Tu-Na Quilts, Travels, and Eats (Thanks for visiting me on the hop.)

Pieceful Thoughts of My Quilting Life Wendy adds a colorful touch to the holidays by showing how to color some holiday cheer with the children. You’ll be running for your box of crayons after reading this.

Crayon Box Quilt Studio Michele made a Christmas quilt. She shows how using charms, half charms, and sashing can make a beautiful quilt for anytime of the year. Look closely at the pics to see some design inspiration in her quilting.

 Tuesday, July 18th

Confessions of a Fabric Addict

Seams To Be Sew

Stitchin at Home

Domestic Felicity

 Wednesday, July 19th

Confessions of a Fabric Addict

 The Colorful Fabriholic

Smiles From Kate

 Thursday, July 20th

Confessions of a Fabric Addict

 Cheryl’s Teapots2Quilting

The Inquiring Quilter

Selina Quilts

 Friday, July 21st

Confessions of a Fabric Addict

 Katie Mae Quilts

Quilted Blooms


Saturday, July 22nd

Confessions of a Fabric Addict

Devoted Quilter

Kathy’s Kwilts and More

All Points of the Compass

 Sunday, July 23rd

Confessions of a Fabric Addict

Mel’s Quilting Blog

Resourceful Momma

Cheryl’s Teapots2Quilting

 Monday, July 24th

Confessions of a Fabric Addict

 Anja Quilts


A Dream and a Stitch

 Tuesday, July 25th

Confessions of a Fabric Addict

 Christina’s Handicrafts


Thanks for stopping by and do come again.

Karen, Tu-Na Quilts

Linking to

164 thoughts on “Tu-Na Quilts: On the Fourth Day of Christmas, My True Love Gave to Me…

  1. Jean McKinstry

    Wow, this is fantastic in capitals!!!! Love the words, the photos, the helpers, and all else. What a day 4, this will be totally so popular, I am on Day 9, and know now I need to have lots of photos and words to, to explain all the parts properly. Thanks so much for today.


  2. Ashley

    Your stocking is so cute! I’m looking forward to seeing what it holds. The wreath project is perfect for kids! Thank you for putting both these tutorials together as a part of the blog hop!


  3. smilesfromkate

    Great stocking, I’m looking forward to seeing what you stuff it with. Love seeing the kids help make the wreath, so cute.


  4. Judy Sanders

    Thanks for sharing. Kids love to make also. We always made a new ornament each year. It helps to bring back each year as we decorate the tree.


  5. Patti McGarry

    Thank you for your inspiration! My friends at work will love getting a stocking filled with personalized goodies! My grandsons will enjoy making your canning jar wreaths too!


  6. annehaun

    Love your stocking and wreath. I see these being included in my Christmas sewing list! I agree – it is hard to “dejunk” – I hate throwing anything away!


  7. Cocoa Quilts

    Thanks for this great projects. I love that you included so many photos, it really helps to get the project done.


  8. Karen

    Love your ideas! I have 2 grandchildren and I think I’m going to see if they would like to make the wreaths with me this year. Have a great day!


  9. Linda Williamson

    I also have a summer cold that I can’t shake. Thanks for the great tutorial. The wreaths look like a great project for little hands. Thanks again


  10. Jan

    Thanks for the tips. My grandson is 3 and we could easily make a wreath together. My Christmas goal this year is to make a Christmas tree skirt fo r my daughter. I am done, except the binding of the center ring. Since I am ahead on my strata for The QAL I will aim to get that done today. Janice.snell@gmail.com


  11. Renea Yarolim

    Thanks for the cute tutorial for the mini xmas stocking. I agree with you that xmas sneaks up on me every year.


  12. Darlene H

    Great tutorial, love all the pictures. The older I get the more visual I need. The wreaths look like a great grandkid project. Thanks


  13. rl2b2017

    Hi Karen,
    I love the stocking, and I need to make one for the new baby-to-be soon. I also love the wreath and most of all, the tips for working with children. Those pictures you shared are priceless and give me a smile. The wreath looks fab as a replacement fit bit. ~smile~ Roseanne


  14. Anita Jackson

    Crazy how we can put some of those desired and treasured gifts on the back burner, hope you get to this year! I am wanting to get a couple of more quilts under my needle, especially one for my son and one for my father~


  15. charmedlife2006

    Thanks for sharing your holiday tutorials. The stocking turned out great and I love the wreath project-it would be a fun kid’s activity using any other holiday fabric too!


  16. lewisnancy54

    Thanks for the great tutorials. I’m an avid canner, and have lots of canning rings that are too rusted to use. I have now got a great way to use them!!


  17. Carol Collier

    The stocking is so cute, and the tutorial is excellent! Great idea for kids — love the wreath, too! Thanks for the tips for working with kids! Looking forward to seeing what is in the stocking!


  18. CJ

    Cute projects, I may have to try the wreath with my 4 year old granddaughter, she loves crafts! Thanks for the ideas!


  19. Debbie

    When my children were small I enjoyed crafting with them a lot. Oddly…neither one of them are crafters now. Thank you for the fun projects!


  20. Kathleen McCormick

    Two tutorials! They both are such fun. I am having a good time following along and bookmarking for future reference! So many projects….so little time.


  21. Jeanna

    Great tutorials. I’m really interested in the stocking stuffers and will start following your blog so I don’t miss anything.

    Hope you feel much better soon.


  22. Pat Evans

    Nice to have a kid friendly project. My grandchildren will be visiting from Texas this week, but I’m not sure we will have time for a craft project. They have lots of places to go and people to see.
    Hope you shake that cold soon.


  23. Heather

    Fun holiday kid’s crafts! I’m currently working on 5 Christmas stockings, but they are a Christmas gift for me:)


  24. Sherry V.

    An apron might be a good idea for my sister. . . thank you for the inspiration.
    Other than that I have some pillows or table runners that I would like to make.


  25. Rochelle Summers

    Thank you for such a photo rich blog with great tutorials. Those projects with the kids are always the ones I remember. I just wish I hadn’t been looking for perfection when I was younger. I look forward to the next installment. And thank you for the little tip with the loop. I fight with those so much that I’ve taken to leaving them off potholders.


  26. Cyndy Knapp

    Thank you for the tutorials on the l ittle stockings and wreaths. I agree, the wreaths are a great project for kids. Easy and quick to complete.


  27. Pat T.

    *Thank you!!*
    Great ideas, tutorials, and tips!
    By the way, your idea to use the canning rings for the fabric wreaths is wonderful!… Perfect object and size for children to work with! And the idea of painting them, as your husband did, is wise, because if left unpainted they can still rust and spoil the fabric that is tied on! They can remain as keepsake ornaments (tag with the child’s name and date??)…
    I’m following your blog now…
    Thank you, again!
    Pat T.


  28. dhowardvt

    The stocking is cute. I actually have that holly leaf fabric! I don’t have any grandchildren, but enjoyed reading (and seeing) about doing a project with young children.


  29. selina

    Love your stocking, thanks for the turtorial. Many years ago my nieces and I made Halloween wreaths. Still have them. The girls are in their mid thirties now but I still remember the day we did this project.


  30. Joanne H

    Wonderful stocking and tutorial! I love working with children, and your suggestions are right on target. It’s interesting to watch kids do craft projects, because I learn something new from them every single time! What do I want to sew for Christmas this year? Well, I have a few quilts to finish that I’d like to give as gifts; but like you said, Christmas sneaks up on us so I’m not sure they’ll get done. Thanks again!


  31. Pingback: Tu-Na Quilts: Sounds are Being Heard up on the Rooftop-The 12 Days of Christmas in July Blog Hop Starts Tomorrow! | Tu-Na Quilts, Travels, and Eats

  32. Ursula

    I always love seeing things that children can “help” with. What fun to be thinking of Christmas fun at this time.


  33. Verna

    Such great projects! I would never have thought to use canning rings for the wreaths. I will be making some for sure!


  34. Bev

    I love the wreath idea it’s so fun to make with the little kids unfortunately mine are more of the ‘ let’s part till4am’ age now. Thank you for the blog hop


  35. Danice

    Two wonderful tutorials. Thank you for them. I plan on making quilts for gifts again this year. Maybe some of the jar lid wreaths also, now 🙂


  36. Beth T.

    Thanks for the very detailed tutorial. I love being walked through a project. This year I’m making more pillowcases. Some of my nieces are still using the ones I made for them twenty years ago, so it’s time for me to update their Christmas-themed cases. (I think I gave them with the instructions to sleep on them on Christmas Eve only, and I’m so glad to see that they ignored me and have worn/loved them to death.)


  37. Lesley Gilbert

    I’m enjoying visiting everybody on this blog hopping – those cute wreaths look great and with the right fabrics can be made to suit any occasion 🙂


  38. cindy m

    I remember my mom helping my siblings and I make stockings when we were small. This brings back such great memories!
    lstangl482 at aol dot com


  39. Vicki H

    Cute stocking, I like the heel and toe accents. I’m going to see if I have some holiday fabric to make the wreaths with my grands.


  40. Lisa Marie

    I give a lot of lap quilts at Christmas so I work on them through the year. Probably half of what I need is already complete. Then as the holidays get closer I’ll make smaller items or things I see that catch my interest. Your stocking is very cute, thanks for sharing your method!


  41. Nicole Sender

    Terrific tutorials! Thanks so much! The pictures were great. I hope to make some Christmas tree skirts this year.


  42. KT

    Great projects! Looking forward to seeing what you put in your cute stocking! I want to make some everyday pillowcases for my family–a few years ago I made holiday pillowcases for everyone, now I think they need some fun ones they can use the rest of the year!


  43. nancyangerer

    Your stocking is cute. I plan on making a wall quilt for one of my granddaughters who is attending Murray State in Kentucky. Their team is the Racers, and the quilt will have 4 horse heads appliqued on it.


  44. Sarah Craig

    Great ideas, and a fabulous tutorial! I must try the little wreaths with the grands – they’ll love it! Thanks for all your efforts to make this hop a success!!


  45. Kathy E.

    I saw love and joy in each of your photos! Crafting with little ones is so bonding and gets everyone in the mood. I look forward to having grandkids someday to do just that. Such pretty wreaths! They’d be great for any holiday!


  46. Susan

    Tu-na, I think I posted earlier and cannot remember. I’m fighting some kind of cough and head infection in honor of Christmas in July. I love the stocking and all the hints – I need all of them. I love seeing the children interacting. My granddaughter lives with and my son (her dad) and sometimes says I’m her mom. We just correct her and go on. She hasn’t seen her mom in 17 months. She loves to spend time with me. My son took them camping for 3 days and when she came home, she was glued to me. So, I love to find things for her to do. She just turned 4 earller this month. Thanks again, for all the wonder ideas.


  47. Chiska

    How fun! It’s so hard to remember to have fun when doing stuff with my kids. When I do though–it’s amazing! I’m finishing some quilts for Christmas this year–I have two left to quilt and one to bind. They’ve been several years in the making and this year feels like the year I’ll finally make it! 🙂


  48. Mary C

    I am hoping to make quilts (lap size for all the in laws this year). I have 3 tops pieced with only 2 more to do. Then the quilting so hope to be done by mid-December.


  49. Pingback: Tu-Na Quilts: O Come, All Ye Faithful (including quilters and crafters)–Day Five of the 12 Days of Christmas in July Blog Hop | Tu-Na Quilts, Travels, and Eats

  50. Thunder

    My 7 year old granddaughter is learning to sew, I think she will enjoy the stocking. Thank you for sharing. 🙂


  51. Susan

    Great stocking – wonderful that you thought to make the toe and heel in white, as that really adds to the personality! Thanks for the tutorial!


  52. Sandra

    Adorable stocking,Karen and the wreath–what a great idea for a ‘sew with your kids’ project. Will have to try this with Brady when he comes in September. Love the photo of the 2-ye-old wearing his arm bands!


  53. Pingback: Tu-Na Quilts: The First Reveal—What’s Inside the Stocking? | Tu-Na Quilts, Travels, and Eats

  54. Kay

    Thanks for great ideas, i haven’t seen a sweet hanger before and think they would be very popular. I am intending to make Christmas placemats and coasters for lots of people, and I have always wanted a special apron for myself. x


  55. thedarlingdogwood

    Cute projects, Karen! I think my son might be old enough for the wreath by the time Christmas is here. Love the stocking and I can’t wait to see what it holds!


  56. Deb F

    The stocking is adorable. I know a little girl who might like to give that a try. I also loved the little pincushions (little items I might have gotten rid of can have a new life). Thank you for sharing.


  57. Pingback: Tu-Na Quilts: All I Want for Christmas is ___ –Day Seven of the 12 Days of Christmas in July Blog Hop and | Tu-Na Quilts, Travels, and Eats

  58. Leanne Parsons

    Such a cute little stocking! I hope you’re feeling better 🙂 I always make Christmas ornaments for family and friends. I’m not sure what other sewing I may do for gifts this year.


  59. Pingback: Tu-Na Quilts: Tu-Na Quilts: The Second Stocking Stuffer Reveal—You Mean There’s More? | Tu-Na Quilts, Travels, and Eats

  60. Pingback: Tu-Na Quilts: Santa Claus is Coming–Day Nine of the 12 Days of Christmas in July Blog Hop | Tu-Na Quilts, Travels, and Eats

  61. Pingback: Tu-Na Quilts: The Third Stocking Stuffer Reveal—How Much Can It Hold? | Tu-Na Quilts, Travels, and Eats

  62. Pingback: Tu-Na Quilts: Ding Dong Merrily on High–Day Eleven of the 12 Days of Christmas in July Blog Hop | Tu-Na Quilts, Travels, and Eats

  63. adreamandastitch

    I just love stockings! And using that method would make each one unique! What a great project for kids of all ages.


  64. Pingback: Tu-Na Quilts: The Fourth and Final Stocking Stuffers Reveal–Does the Fun Have to End? | Tu-Na Quilts, Travels, and Eats

  65. Pingback: Tu-Na Quilts: The Day After Christmas in July | Tu-Na Quilts, Travels, and Eats

  66. Pingback: Tu-Na Quilts: Planning Ahead for 2018 | Tu-Na Quilts, Travels, and Eats

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